A personal message from Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva
6 min readJul 8, 2022

As the only lifelong Democrat and labor ally running for L.A. County Sheriff, I am writing to seek your endorsement for my re-election.

Over the past few months, the picture being painted of me by my opponents bears no resemblance to the real me. So, allow me to reintroduce myself…this time, accurately.

My name is Alex Villanueva. People call me Sheriff Alex.

A lot of what the press says about me is true. I am a fighter. I am a maverick. Sometimes, I say things that offend people. And while I am a lifelong Democrat, I am not afraid to speak out when I believe that others in my party are wrong, especially when it comes to responding to escalating crime and inhumane homeless encampments.

I am also not afraid to stand up for people who are being punished or discriminated against by an unjust system. That’s why I strongly support the proposed ballot measure protecting the right to abortion in California, and why my department will refuse to cooperate with any other jurisdiction seeking to prosecute women who come to LA for an abortion. It’s also why I banned my department from cooperating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Let me tell you about my history, because it drives so much of who I am, what I do, and who I stand up for.

I was born in Chicago to a Polish mother and Puerto Rican father. As a child, I lived in Rochester, Queens, NY and Puerto Rico in the 70’s. It was dangerous, and I learned when to run and when to fight.

I channeled my flight or fight reflex into becoming an athlete and lifelong fitness enthusiast. I joined the Air Force and served my country after I was forced to drop out of college because of President Reagan’s cutbacks in the Pell Grant program. Returning to college in 1984, I transferred to the California National Guard, where I served until 1992. Leaving the Air Force left me temporarily homeless, as I knew no one here and didn’t have a place to stay or a steady income. My first week in Los Angeles County I lived at the YMCA in Pomona, a short distance to Cal Poly Pomona. I was homeless… but not hopeless.

YMCA in Pomona, back in the days.

After joining the Sheriff’s Department, I continued to compete in track and field, namely pole vaulting and the decathlon. In fact, I won the pole vault competition in the California Police Olympics ten years in a row. That’s where I suffered a serious knee injury that causes the limp I have today, which many activists ignorantly mock.

That memory is the driving force behind my views on helping the homeless: we must provide them with both homes and hope.

As you can imagine, my last name is from my Puerto Rican father, but my pale skin is from my Polish mother, and is something that contributed to multiple bouts of potentially deadly skin cancer. As a cancer survivor, wearing hats is an extremely important safety measure. But much like my limp, some of my opponents use it as excuse to mock me. In both cases, it only strengthens my resolve to stand up for others who are treated unfairly, and my commitment to transparency and accountability.

We didn’t have the best shoes back then. But, boy could I jump.

When it comes to fighting, I focus on fighting those who would do harm to others. This is frankly doing the Lord’s work and a clarion call to serve others. I know that makes many extremists uncomfortable, but I am religious and pray nightly. It is who I am. But I also defend a woman’s rights to make her own healthcare decisions, championing equality in hiring, promotion, pay, and all working conditions. I believe in family values, which is why I banned ICE transfers to keep families united. I also believe in transparency and accountability, which is why I implemented the body worn camera program in all of our patrol stations. I have also created a publicly available database of all Department documents that can be publicly disclosed. As the first and only sheriff to do 97 town halls across the county, I have actively engaged with and supported an open dialogue with all county residents, regardless of location.

Contrary to what the corporate media says, I have no issue with civilian oversight. I have said repeatedly, everyone deserves a seat at the table of oversight. It is just not fair to have all the seats. The LA County Oversight Commission is compromised. The members are all appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The appointed commissioners do not go through a true confirmation hearing. They have no requirements to disclose either conflicts of interest or to make financial disclosure statements.

The oversight commission lacks credibility, experience and is simply being used to attack me to further the union-busting contracting out by LA County government.

Real Reforms by Alex Villanueva

My religious faith is also an important driver in who I fight for. I believe that the Lord has called on us all to serve others, especially those exposed to injustice.

This is why I stand up for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, and why I champion equality in hiring, promotion, pay, and all working conditions. It’s why I oppose efforts to contract out county responsibilities to entities that undercut union solidarity. Similarly, my commitment to family values and family unification is why I banned ICE transfers. My commitment to accountability is why I implemented the body worn camera program in all of our patrol stations. I have also created a publicly available database of all public Department documents.

Real Reforms by Alex Villanueva

Contrary to what some click bait seekers have said, I have no issue with civilian oversight. I have said repeatedly that everyone deserves a seat at the table of oversight. However, like every other aspect of public service, the overseers must represent the full community, and not be tools of someone’s political agenda. The LA County Oversight Commission is compromised. The members are all appointed by the Board of Supervisors, who have their own narrow agenda. The appointed commissioners do not go through a true confirmation hearing. They have no requirements to disclose either conflicts of interest or to make financial disclosure statements.

Most of all, the oversight commission lacks diversity. None of the commissioners are local elected officials in areas we serve, so they don’t understand the complexities of government. The oversight commission is over represented by White members and well-off residents from suburban beach communities with low crime rates. Most have little or no experience in policing. Until recently, there were NO LATINOS on the commission.

I would love an opportunity to personally speak with you and to earn your endorsement. I am the only candidate for Sheriff with a proven record as a true reformer and success in improving public safety. I am the only one who is a lifelong Democrat with a commitment to organized labor. I am the only one who stood up for the rights of undocumented immigrants.

I look forward to discussing my campaign in the near future. In the meantime, please reach out to Cristina@alexvillanueva.org to set up an in-person meeting or call.



Sheriff Alex Villanueva

Alex Villanueva is the 33rd Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California. Paid for by VILLANUEVA FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF 2022, FPPC ID #1397275